
Home >  The Third Age Maintenance on July 4th at 11:00 GMT+8
The Third Age Maintenance on July 4th at 11:00 GMT+8

The Third Age will be going down for a v6.5 version maintenance on July 4th at 11:00 GMT+8 / 03:00 GMT / July 3th 23:00 EDT /  July 3th at 20:00 PDT. The maintenance will last about 2 hours. Please keep an eye on forum for any updates or changes.

Patch Notes:

1. Added game mode switching function to support switching H5 mode;
2. VIP3 can get 2nd tech queue;

1. Optimize the equipment system;
2. Optimize equipment operation tips;
3. Optimize equipment recycling tips;
4. Optimize Hero Fragment recycle setting in Recycle Hub;
5. Optimize the promoter system.
